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johnson's bar and restaurant

“Indulging in fine wine and dine, in a good company is one of life’s most civilized pleasures.”

Getting together with your beloveds for some quality time, accompanied with finest meals and delicious beverages/drinks is what makes a good vacation perfect. The exclusive, multi-cuisine restaurant offers an intriguing menu of fine Italian, Continental and Indian flavours with Oriental Asian accents. Our Rainbow Trout Fish in, cooked to perfection is definitely drooled over! If you’re a keen advocate of fine wines, exotic cocktails and nightcaps, you’ll love the comforting atmosphere of the Johnson Bar & Restaurant.

At the Johnson Bar & Restaurant, Manali, whether you wish to simply come around the fireplaces on chilly winter evenings or soak up the sun in the lush-green garden on warm days, you will always have a great time. The cozy ambiance at the Johnson Bar will set you at ease. Your every meal at our restaurant will be a memorable one.

For reservations please contact us on +91 9816 045 123

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